BP Millwater Finalist for Hynds Construction Awards 2017

Johnstone Construction's BP Millwater New Build Project Catches the Judges Eye

Completed in March 2017 the project was one of two finalists in the Hynds Construction Awards 2017 SME category.

Located in Silverdale and adjacent to State Highway One.

Tight Planning Timeframes Successfully Adhered to:

Planning for the BP Millwater project occurred in a significantly reduced timeframe as there was only six weeks from the initial negotiation of the contract to site establishment to undertake project planning.
This included:
·         the need for additional resourcing of plant and people,
·         finalisation of the construction budget,
·         tendering out of all sub-contractor works, and
·         provision of a detailed project cost to the client.

What was Johnstone Construction proud of with this project?

The BP Millwater new build was situated in a busy urban area beside a residential development and adjacent to a large sub-division under construction. Part of the site constituted the reinforced embankment adjacent to State Highway One which could not be compromised.

To mitigate these site location risks, Johnstone Construction:
· Liaised with neighbouring sites and Auckland Transport about the control of construction noise, dust, vibration, minimisation of work hours and maintenance of pedestrian access across the site.
· Put in place traffic control during works on and around the boundary to control pedestrian access and provide safe foot crossings.
· Moved the Johsntone Construction Safety Station around the site, dependent on changes to the site layout, to ensure clear visibility and easy access.

Works were conducted without disruption to neighbours and there were no complaints or issues to deal with.